Sunday, October 21, 2012

October 8, 2012

From: Jade Swayne <>
Subject: Re: WOW!
To: "Penny Paxman" <>
Date: Monday, October 8, 2012, 5:52 PM

MAMA!! muh numba one go to chick!!
First off, how in the world are you? I loved your letter and yes, I was able to watch conference. You are so amazing to call that man...Im sure that made his day. But in no way could your call make his day as great as you made mine last monday when I was able to talk to you. I never could imagine that I could miss all of you (especially you) so much while at the same time feeling so great about being away from you. This truly is the Lords work and boy is His work HARD. but it is so worth it. My companion and I have had some very powerful lessons and experiences with those we teach...I wish you could see this. Like the other night..we taught a women named Alex Soto. she is an 87 year old Spanish speaker...I dont want to say hispanic cuz Im not so sure what she is lol and the other day I learned that being a Spanish speaker doesnt exactlly mean that someboduy is Hispanic. So now that I know this I use the word lightly. at least until I learn how to tell the difference between a Hispanic and a non (maybe you could look up the difference for me and let me know so I dont walk around all ignorent and what not) But anyways. Alex is 87, Catholic, in a wheel chair and has a very busy family that never really has alot of time for her. So needless to say..she is very very lonley. We were trying to talk to the women that lived next to Alex, but she never answered the door so we decided that we would hit up the random door next to this ladies and that door just so happened to belong to a frightened yet street thug tough sister named Alex Soto. So we knocked on the door, and waited for a bit...nobody answered but we heard a voice yell "who is it??" and we replied "the sisters" she came to the door and opened it only a crack. She asked about 3 times "who are you?" and we told her that we were from the church of Jesus Christ of latter-day Saints and she said "well, do you want to come in?" and of course you know what we said. We stepped into the light and saw a women wheelchair bound and clearly alone...she had telemundo blasting on her t.v and we began to talk. She told us that she was a lifetime member of the catholic faith. "I was born in it. Baptized in it. Married in it. and I will forever be a catholic"... and when I heard how sure she was about this I became discouraged for a second...but only a second because I felt in my heart that this fact didnt matter and that we truly had something that Alex really needed. And wow....I wish you could have seen the way she was when we came in comparrison to the way she was when we left. At first she was so confident in her faith and by the end..she was confessing that she had never really finished the Bible all the way through and she was just so hypnotized as we bore testimony of Christ's true Gospel. It was truly amazing...and all in all she said that we could come back and teach her was almost as if she went from super catholic (duh duh DUHH! super Cathilic awaaaaay) to something totally different in a matter of minutes. it was amazing....We left her with a prayer, and goodness...I can't remember ever giving a more powerful prayer than I did that night. I know that she felt it and I have alot of hope for Alex..I already love her and cant wait to share more about the gospel with her. So Im sorry this story was so scattered brained. Im typing reaaaaally fast. we dont have alot of time today. But I will write more about our other investigators and the amazing things...ok not "things" but "miracles that have happed in this past week.
I love you all soo so much and cant wait to recieve your letters. they give me so much strength and hope you can't even imagine how much I cherish them.
And please, can somebody call my dad and give him my e-mail address. please. His number is 602-481-9007 I really want him to read these stories because there will be many more to come. The Lord is alive and well in New Mexico :) oh p.s!! Im in Gallup! I need to find Vangie!!!!!

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